Xtool D1 Module Fan cover kit


If you have an extension this is a must have add-on
Get your air assist tube and module cables the protection that you need, change the position of your air assist hose with a slider to move it away from side screw, keep your cable from pulling on the terminal with an adding clip.

Black prints may be made using gray or red, depending on market availability, as black filament is currently in limited supply.

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Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Xtool D1 Module Fan Cover

If you are using an extension and your Air assist, Cables are all over the place and you are damaging the connector adding force when your module travels you need this kit, adding sliding house holder for your air assist and a cable clip and redirection to keep your cables and air tube out of the way.

Included in this kit

  • Module Fan cover (please select your module model)
  • Sliding air assist holding
  • Cable clip

Available for 5W, 10w, 20w and D1 pro.

*D1 Pro comes in a red color to match your machine and black.